
ternary cypress fund
Opportunities in Real Assets
The Cypress Fund aims to provide investment returns that are uncorrelated with typical investment strategies and serve as a complement to our clients’ existing investment portfolios.
The fund primarily invests in public securities of small and mid-cap companies in a variety of industries that have strong asset-backed balance sheets but are trading at substantial discounts to intrinsic value. We believe that a portfolio of such businesses gives our clients strong downside protection, while still offering substantial upside participation.
The Cypress Fund sources these companies through an extensive network that include other asset-backed investors, local industry contacts and professional advisors. Our team conducts primary research on target companies and invest only if we are comfortable being long-term shareholders.
The monthly performance and investment decisions are summarized in the Cypress Fund's monthly newsletter which can be downloaded below.
For more information on investing in the Cypress Fund, please contact us.